Contact Us

 If your matter is urgent, call us at (619) 296-2666 - someone is available 24/7

Please call before coming before coming down to our office

San Diego County
Al-Anon Information Service Office

2667 Camino Del Rio South Ste 208
San Diego, CA 92108

The office is open and ready to serve our members in person. Please call before you visit to make sure it’s open. Hours can vary.

office hours

Tuesday 10am - 4pm
Wednesday 10am - 4pm
Thursday 10am - 4pm

1st Saturday of every month: 10am-1pm. All other Saturdays by appointment.

Saturday By appointment

(619) 296-2666 | (800) 690-2666
Available 24 hour per day

Call us

(619) 296-2666 | (800) 690-2666
Available 24 hour per day

Saturday appointments:

Please submit a request here.


Interested in becoming a volunteer?

Being of service is fun and helps to be self-supporting. We need help for various tasks in the office (e.g. filling literature orders, taking phone calls) but also in other areas.

Click here to fill out the sign-up form today